
2Plague - Chapter 39

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“Who’s Draco?!”  You urge from Mark.

“You’re needed downstairs!”  He looks petrified, shoving you towards the door, “Bjørn, you’d better go too.”

“Mark!!  Who is Draco?!”

“Just go!”

He pushes you both again, and this time you go.

Just as you run down the stairs, there’s another ear-shattering roar; made all the clearer due to an extensive hole in the wall of the double’s chamber; daylight and a crisp, nippy wind radiating through the break.  Pieces of the wall are scattered over the floor of the hallway, and across the bodies of Arthur and Alfred.

For a split second, you freeze.  Unable to see past the possibility of the worst.  But, the adrenaline coursing through your veins rushes you forwards again.

Once at Alfred’s side, you see his breathing.  Thankful that he’s still alive, you lift his head gently, allowing your healing touch through his dirty, rubble-encrusted skin.  You brush the hair out of his eyes as his breath catches and he turns towards you, contracting in pain.

He coughs the dust from his throat, sits up and you kiss his forehead a little roughly.

“What happened to calling me, you idiot?!”  You yell as you lift him onto his feet, then rushing to Arthur a few metres away.

“There wasn’t much time.”  He replies, joining you at Arthur’s side.

“Shit, he’s not breathing!”  You panic; the blood pooling at the back of his head and from a gash above his left eye, not easing your worry.  You lift his head and cup your hand around his face.

“Wake up, you good-for-nothing sod!”  Alfred mocks, as Arthur’s wounds blaze with (eye/c) healing.  “You:  With your stupid cream teas and bloody fancy suits!  And-”  The pool of Arthur’s blood lights and draws back to his head, causing gasps from you all.  “And your daft magic tricks for showing-off! …  (Gentleman, my ass.) …”

You slap Alfred’s arm with the back of your hand and frown at him with a slightly playful smirk.

“I had a dream.”  Arthur groans.  Both of your now beaming faces darting to Arthur’s.  “You were insulting me, Alfred…  Repeatedly.”

“Me?  Pretty weird, huh?”  Alfred replies.

“No.  Kinda makes sense.”

You pull Arthur to his feet and embrace him tightly.  Alfred bear hugs the both of you, earning resistant grumbles from Arthur.  But it can’t last…

From over your shoulders, Arthur and Bjørn stare outside; the embrace falls as his concentration changes.  You turn, to see the outer wall also reduced to rubble and the adjacent earth scratched away - sloping up to where the ground level used to be:  The double’s room had no windows because it used to be underground.

As you climb through, you see the grass and trees outside, and the sky…  And Draco.

How could he not be Draco?

You’ve already guessed.  Hoping it wasn’t going to be true, but just a little deeper down you knew it was inevitable.

So, you stroll into the sunshine and look up into his piercing scarlet eyes as they trace every move you make.  And though you already knew roughly what you were going to see, you can’t keep at bay the terror encapsulating your soul as the magnificent beast before you growls:  Teeth bearing, nostrils smoking, and the dragon’s fearsome snarl.

He stands above the height of the tallest of men, above the walls and the trees.  Scales of reds, golds and smoky greys armour his hide, shielding his lean physique rather beautifully - each scale glinting in the sunlight.

Draco’s chest expands in a huge intake of breath, a rather concerning molten glow visible between the scales; his neck arching.  Knowing you’d never get away in time, you grab Bjørn and pull him behind your brothers.

Facing Draco with slightly unconvincing fearlessness, you wrap your arms as far around Alfred and Arthur as you can; shielding them from the great onslaught of fire and heat being hurled at you.

To your relief, you feel your body deflecting the roaring inferno; the (eye/c) halo of flames surrounding you a visible cue.  Alfred jumps.

“What’s going on?  What’re you doing, dude?”

“What?!”  You gasp.

“He can’t see him.”  Arthur explains.


“See who?”

“Alfred, whatever happens, stick with Arthur.”

When the breath finally ceases, you hear the snort of confusion and anger at your persistence from Draco.

“Tssk…  I should’ve known that would happen.”  Håkon realises; Draco peering down at the man at his foot with a look in need of an explanation.  “She has an irritating aptitude for fire.”

”Does she now?”  His voice sounds raspy but deep, with an enormity, volume and roaring intensity like you’ve never heard before.

You hear what he says, but not what he’s thinking - as if he can shield it from you; akin to the scales armouring his body.

“Well then, let’s test something else.”  Another person comes into view.  Arthur just has time to realise, “Hey!  That looks like Vladimir…  Of course, his double.”  Before he extends his arm out; releasing a bolt of electric blue lightening towards you.

As once before, you raise your arm in defence; absorbing the electricity and grounding the current.  Though the voltage should heat and burn your skin, your abilities overcome this issue.

Seeing you defeat the problem, Vladimir’s double ends the spell.

There’s a pause as Håkon asks Vladimir’s double where Oliver is, in his mind - expecting none to hear.  Vladimir’s double clearly doesn’t know what happened to Oliver, explaining that they found Alfred’s home empty - the planned new base for their group - with no word from him, Al or James.

Vladimir’s double fixes his eyes on you; the azure irises magnified as his mind links with yours.

”You hear me, right?”

“Yes; but, before you do anything else, would you like me to show you what happened to them?”

He’s confused.

”Al, James and Oliver, of course.”

“How’d you know about that?”

You shrug.  Cautiously, he extends his mind to you again.

”Then show me…”

You show him how it felt when Oliver’s mind was connected to yours, how you powered Arthur’s spell to rid Oliver from you; when Al and James attacked Alfred’s mansion and Al’s explanation; how you felt when Al shot Ludwig; then how you angered and shot Al with his own bullet, how Alfred had finished James and briefly and accidentally how you broke down when Ludwig died.

At this, Vladimir’s double takes some satisfaction in a storm of anger, judgement and need for punishment - thinking Ludwig dead, and recognising your feelings for him.

As you detect a rumble of fear, he unleashes pains upon you that you’d never felt before:  A deafening screech penetrating your mind, coupled with agonising spasms down your torso and limbs.

But, through this you learn his name:  Victor.
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